"Around 4-5 years ago I saw a commercial or some advertisement for the ESRGC and my first thought was, “I want to make it my goal to work there somehow.” I had never heard of it or even known there were businesses like it on the shore, but after seeing that, I actually made a note in my phone that just said “ESRGC”."
Name: Andrea Russell
Graduation date/ School: Fall 2021, Salisbury University
Hometown: Greenbush, VA
When did you first use GIS?: I first used GIS when I was attending WorWic Community College. I had an Intro to GIS class, and I did not expect to like it as much as I did, but here we are!
What is something you wish everyone knew about GIS?: I wish everyone knew how universal GIS is. It can be used for anything and everything. Just the fact that it can be used for scientific research like tracking and helping elephants in Africa to something as simple as drawing lines on a map to show a water feature is amazing to me.
What interested you in working with the ESRGC?: Around 4-5 years ago I saw a commercial or some advertisement for the ESRGC and my first thought was, “I want to make it my goal to work there somehow.” I had never heard of it or even known there were businesses like it on the shore, but after seeing that, I actually made a note in my phone that just said “ESRGC”.
What task(s) did you work on at the ESRGC?: I have been working here since June of 2021, so I have completed a variety of work. I participated in the summer housing survey, created numerous web maps and story maps, geocoding projects, georeferencing project, digitizing, and more.
While working on this project what surprised you most or what is something that you learned from it?: What surprised me most is the number of projects and variety in each one we seem to have. It is such an amazing opportunity that has taught me that there is always something to learn about GIS and how to use the different applications and software associated with it.
Where are you working now? And what are you working on?: I am currently a GIS Technician at the ESRGC (woohoo!). Right now, I am working on an interactive web map/app for Talbot County to show the election and school board districts in the area.
Have you gone to any GIS conferences? How did they go?: I have not gone to any conferences as of yet. I am hoping to go to DeGIS this May, so I am pretty excited for that experience!
Dream job?: Any kind of environmental GIS that allows me to go into the field to personally collect data is a hope of mine. I love being out in the field and experiencing firsthand what the data is and why it is important.
What do you like to do in your spare time?: I like to do anything that involves being outside or spending time with my family. Beaching, fishing, boating, kayaking, surfing, gardening if I am outside, I am happy!
Do you have a LinkedIn?: Yep! https://www.linkedin.com/in/arussellsu/
The Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative (ESRGC) at Salisbury University regularly features a current or former intern for our Intern Spotlight. The ESRGC provides geographic information system (GIS) technology, data, technical support, and training to governments, businesses, and non-profit organizations in Maryland and across the Mid-Atlantic. Since launching in 2004, the ESRGC has provided valuable paid internships to hundreds of Salisbury University students, allowing them to learn real-world skills that prepare them for a direct transition to the workforce. ESRGC internships range from analyzing databases for local governments to field verifying broadband access in rural areas, and everything in between. For more information on how your organization could leverage the advantage of this inexpensive, highly-motivated, technical GIS intern, or how to apply for an internship, please contact Lauren McDermott at ldmcdermott@salisbury.edu.